Task: Redesigning a preloader for the Meisterplan homepage

When you sign up for a test version of the Meisterplan PPM software, you have to wait several seconds until your access is set up.

Meisterplans requirements
  • bridge a waiting time of 6-12 seconds
  • assure the user that waiting time is normal and system has not crashed
  • correspond with the Meisterplan CI
  • entertain
Additional requirements I set up for the task
  • should not extend loading time
  • infinite loop which can be terminated at any time, but does not seem too much like one
  • explain why waiting is neccessary
  • make a connection to the product and its functionalities
The current situation looks like this:
  • classic spinners wake bad memories of long waiting times
  • no relation to the brand or product
  • not fun or entertaining

„Pack a package including the most important functions of Meisterplan.“

My Idea


„Package“ alternating with smaller sqares to make a connection to the waiting time.


Transformation from the logo to the „package“.

An this is how it would look on the Meisterplan Webpage:
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